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Supporting A Loved One With Addiction

Image symbolizing supporting a loved one with addiction

Supporting a loved one with addiction is admirable but seldom easy. Remember that you are not alone in this experience and professional assistance is available to you. Many people cope with substance use disorders at some point in their lives and formal rehab programs can make a world of difference. If you’re looking for help for a loved one in Washington State, contact Northpoint Seattle today.

Our wide range of outpatient offerings can help with conditions ranging from opioid, meth, and benzo addictions to mental illnesses such as OCD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. We likewise understand that substance abuse and mental illness often co-occur and thus include dual diagnosis within our addiction treatment programs where appropriate. Contact Northpoint Recovery by phoning 888.483.6031 to get help supporting your loved one with addiction today.

Key Points to Remember in Supporting a Loved One with Addiction

Supporting someone with a substance abuse disorder takes many forms and depends on their stage of recovery. If they have not yet admitted to their addiction, for example, support might look like letting them know you are concerned about them and suggesting they seek treatment. If they’re already on the road to recovery or showing at least some self-awareness about their addiction, here are a few key points to keep in mind while supporting them:

1. Remember that, once established, addiction is a disease and not a choice.

While someone may initially choose to try drugs or alcohol, after a certain point, the substance affects their brain chemistry so strongly that it may be almost impossible for them to quit or scale back their use without professional intervention.

2. Consider setting a healthy example by avoiding recreational substance use in front of your loved one.

For example, even if drinking alcohol is not a problem for you, you might stop drinking in front of a loved one who struggles with alcohol use disorder.

3. Keep an optimistic disposition about your loved one’s recovery.

Strive to maintain a hopeful and supportive tone when you engage your loved one in conversations about their progress. This can help show them that you believe in them.

4. Allow your loved one to face the consequences of their actions, even if they are quite challenging.

This final point can be especially difficult since it’s natural not to want to see those we care about suffer. Nonetheless, refusing the impulse to cover for their substance-informed behavior is a key step in both getting them to see the need for change and safeguarding your own well-being. When people are unable to divorce themselves from their loved one’s harmful actions, codependent relationships can occur, and these can substantially harm both parties.

Self-Care While Supporting Someone with Addiction

It’s seldom possible to effectively support others if you’re not feeling at least relatively stable yourself. For this reason, adequate self-care while supporting a loved one with addiction is vital. On the most basic level, be sure to tend to your physical needs. This means getting adequate sleep through good sleep hygiene practices and eating a balanced diet. Regular gentle exercise is also a great way to support your physical well-being and mental wellness.

Seeking support yourself during this period can also be a great idea if you’re striving to help someone living with addiction. Search online for family support groups near you to get in touch with people facing similar struggles. One-on-one counseling can also be a very helpful choice if you’re dealing with stress at home. A therapist can help you navigate your life and your role in your loved one’s recovery by providing resources, engaging in informative role-playing, and directing you to addiction specialists.

Finally, remember that you have a right to healthy boundaries. Naturally, it’s a good idea to avoid behavior that makes your loved one feel like an outcast. That said, it’s equally important to make sure that their substance use does not cause undue harm to you. For example, you may decide to make changes like sleeping in a separate bed from a spouse or placing restrictions on your teenage child’s use of your vehicle.

Refraining from engaging a loved one in conversation when they’re actively under the influence can also be a good personal boundary. Most importantly, if you feel unsafe or overwhelmed at home, remember you’re not alone. Contact a doctor or therapist specializing in addiction recovery who can guide you through your next steps.

Schedule an Appointment at Northpoint Seattle for Addiction Treatment for Your Love One

Navigating the landscape of addiction and recovery can be complex, but doing so is well within your abilities with proper support. In many cases, people living with substance use disorders require professional intervention to turn the corner and begin the path toward recovery. Know that the caring team at Northpoint Seattle is eager to assist you in securing resources to help you and your family.

If you’re looking for outpatient mental health and addiction recovery services in Washington State, our center may be just the place for you. Give us a call at 888.483.6031 or fill out our secure online contact form to get your questions answered or begin registration.