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WA State Drug and Alcohol Detox Guide

Washington State Drug and Alcohol Detox Guide

Whether you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, detox is often the first step you take during your recovery. This detox guide offers you some insight into what you can expect during drug or alcohol detox in Washington State.

Simply put, detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins from the body.

These toxins are there because of the use of drugs or alcohol. Not all substances require that one goes through the detox process. However it can be very helpful, regardless of what type of addiction an individual is suffering from.

Considering the fact that there are so many people in the U.S. with addictions, this type of treatment is important. According to SAMHSA, in 2009, there were 23.5 million people in need of drug or alcohol treatment. Only 2.6 million of these individuals had gotten the help they needed. Clearly, drug and alcohol abuse is an epidemic.

Additional statistics indicate that:

  • In 2011, 5 million emergency room visits were due to the use or misuse of drugs.
  • There were 288 drug-related ER visits per 100,000 for those between the ages of 6 and 11.
  • There were 2,477 drug-related ER visits per 100,000 for those between the ages of 18 and 20.
  • Within the 18 to 20 age group, 1,500 of them were because of drug misuse.
  • Substance misuse has continued to increase, and it is projected to get even worse.

People often don't realize that there is help available for them to recover from addiction. If they do, they may obtain the wrong kind of help, leaving them susceptible to a relapse.

Going through alcohol or drug detox offers hope to people who have thought that recovery was out of their reach. These are individuals who may have tried to get help for their addictions, but chose the wrong path. For those who aren't familiar with detoxification, this guide offers insightful and useful information.

Detox Guide

Breaking the Addiction Cycle with Alcohol and Drug Detoxification

For those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, they suffer from a chronic, relapsing disease. The cycle of addiction can continue on for years until something is introduced that disrupts it.

For example, a heroin addict may choose to use heroin for a period of time, and then try to stop. Once the heroin withdrawal symptoms begin, it can be very hard to stay the course. As the symptoms become too much for the addict to handle, he or she goes back to using. This provides relief from the withdrawal, but it also allows the cycle to continue.

Some people can remain within this addiction cycle for years. They have the best of intentions of quitting, but they lack the tools needed to do so. Drug and alcohol detox is one of the most important tools for these individuals.

The process of going through alcohol and drug detox wasn't always considered to be necessary. In fact, there were many people who thought it was an additional, unneeded, and even voluntary step. Today, we know so much more about how addictions affect the body. This is why drug and alcohol detox is recommended for almost everyone with an addiction.

The goal of alcohol and drug detoxification is to help the addict get through the withdrawal phase safely. This will help to pave the way to the next stage of recovery.

How Long Does it Take to go Through the Detox Process?

The answer to this question is different for everyone, and it depends on a number of factors. These include:

  • The type of substance being detoxed from
  • How long the individual was using
  • How much of the substance the individual was using at a time
  • Whether or not multiple substances were being used (example: cocaine and alcohol)
  • Whether or not there are any co-occurring disorders present

In many cases, drug and alcohol detox can be completed within a week's time. However, some people find that they need a bit longer to get through the withdrawal stage.

This is a type of addiction treatment that should be tailored to each, individual person. No two people are alike, and the goal is to ensure that the withdrawal stage has mostly passed. At that point, the individual will be ready to move on to the next phase of the treatment process.

What Types of Substances Require or Benefit from Detox?

Today, we know that all substances can benefit from going through the detoxification process. This is because while not all of them lead specifically to physical addiction, they do cause physical withdrawal symptoms. Even so, it is true that there are some substances that actually require detox in order to stop using them successfully.

It wasn't that long ago when detoxification was considered to be an elective process for all types of addictions. So much more is known today about the value of detox for someone who has an addiction.

For someone who is addicted to alcohol, going through alcohol detox is a requirement for recovery. The reason for this is because alcohol is actually the most dangerous substance that leads to addiction. Simply stopping the use of alcohol can put someone at great risk because of the dangers associated with withdrawal.

There are many other drugs that can benefit from going through the detox process, and these include:

  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Marijuana
  • Synthetic marijuana
  • Amphetamines
  • LSD
  • K2
  • Valium
  • Xanax
  • Morphine
  • OxyContin (oxycodone)
  • Ketamine
  • Spice
  • PCP
  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • Vicodin
  • GHB
  • Ativan
  • Various other synthetic drugs
  • Various other prescription pain medications

All of the drugs on this list are dangerous. Also, they all produce different withdrawal symptoms that need to be handled uniquely.

Why Do Withdrawal Symptoms Occur Within the Body?

It's actually not uncommon for someone to experience withdrawal and be surprised by the symptoms. The individual feels in control of the drug or alcohol use, so these symptoms come as a shock. They wonder why the symptoms are occurring.

Withdrawal symptoms are basically the body's way of reacting to the loss of a substance it's become used to. When an individual is using drugs or alcohol, the body gets accustomed to that substance being present, almost always. When it isn't, there is a reaction that takes place in the form of withdrawal.

An excellent example of this would be the withdrawal symptoms that an alcoholic experiences when he or she stops drinking. In someone who does not drink alcohol, the brain is responsible for creating serotonin and dopamine. These two chemicals are important, and they contribute to feelings of happiness and security. Alcohol causes an excessive surge in these chemicals in the brain. As some time goes by, the brain "forgets" how to produce these chemicals on its own. It doesn't have to, because alcohol has taken over the job.

When alcohol is stopped, the production of serotonin and dopamine stops as well. This is what commonly leads to depression and other withdrawal symptoms in someone who is recovering.

There is an adjustment period that takes place when substances are stopped. However, it's important to remember that it's just a small period of time. Eventually, the brain can be taught to create serotonin and dopamine again, as recovery progresses.

Common Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Explained

Stopping the use of alcohol or drugs leads to withdrawal; although the severity of these symptoms is different for everyone. Some of the most common drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Hot or cold sweats
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A painful headache
  • Trouble sleeping at night
  • Symptoms of anxiety
  • Shakiness in the hands
  • A risk of seizures
  • A risk of auditory or visual hallucinations
  • Becoming disoriented or confused
  • High blood pressure
  • Racing heart rate
  • Onset of tremors
  • A low grade fever
  • The onset of hallucinations
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Painful headaches
  • The onset of seizures
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Upset stomach with nausea
  • Problems sleeping at night
  • Becoming irritable or agitated
  • Profuse hot or cold sweats
  • Severe insomnia
  • Moderate nausea and vomiting
  • Bouts of delirium
  • Severe anxiety or panic attacks
  • Onset of hallucinations
  • Bouts of confusion
  • Mild tremors
  • Hot or cold sweats
  • Severe and uncontrollable diarrhea
  • Problems with sleeping
  • A complete loss of motivation
  • The onset of psychosis
  • Depression with suicidal thoughts
  • Appetite loss
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Experiencing extreme sensations of fear
  • Having violent mood swings
  • Brain fog or confusion
  • Onset of depression
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Problems with concentration
  • Intense cravings for the drug
  • Loss of cognitive function
  • A very rapid heart beat
  • High blood pressure
  • Onset of diarrhea
  • Muscle aches throughout the body
  • Excessive sweating
  • Insomnia and fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurry vision and dilated pupils
  • Stomach cramps

While many of these symptoms seem relatively minor, many of them are not. Symptoms tend to increase in their severity throughout the detox process. They often reach their peak during the first three to five days. However, they can return full-force at any time.

Understanding Medical Detox and its Effectiveness

For many patients, going through a medically managed detoxification program is the right course of action. This involves the use of medications to help patients through the detox process. Even so, it is important to assess each patient separately to determine which medications are appropriate. This generally involves separating patients into three different categories.

  • For patients who are still under the influence: They should be observed for the onset of withdrawal and medical intervention should be withheld until that time.
  • For those who are in withdrawal: They often require medical intervention as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of their symptoms.
  • For those who have histories of withdrawal: Treatment with medications should begin as soon as possible.

There is a lot of controversy involving medical detox. There are experts who believe it might not be the right way to help patients get through the withdrawal phase. This is because many of the medications that are used during this type of withdrawal can be addictive. The truth is that secondary addictions are fairly common with medical detox. That means that patients need to go through a second detox, or experience withdrawal all over again.

Medical Detox Methods Explained in Detail

There are a few different methods that are used for medical detox, although some are more common than others.

This method was once touted as one of the best available for medical detox. During IV therapy treatment, medication is administered to the patient via IV. While he or she is receiving treatment, vital signs are monitored closely. The medications help the patient eliminate toxins from the body very quickly, and it can take several hours to complete.

During rapid medical detox, patients are given general anesthesia during therapy. Medications are administered via IV that remove toxins quickly. It is a process that can be completed in as little as several minutes. This type of detox can be quite dangerous, regardless of the patient's medical history. It is rarely performed today.

For patients who are addicted to prescription drugs, it's usually dangerous to stop the drugs abruptly. Doing so can cause harmful withdrawal symptoms. However, many of these symptoms can be avoided through medical tapering. This involves giving patients lower doses of the medications over a period of time until stopping them completely is safe. Additional medications may be administered to help with any withdrawal symptoms that do occur.

There are a number of different medications that can be given to patients, depending on their addictions and needs. These medications are given strictly for the purpose of treating withdrawal. They might include:

  • Medications to prevent convulsions
  • Barbiturate medications
  • Antipsychotic medications
  • Medications to prevent relapse
  • Beta blocker medications

Again, the type of medical detox that is appropriate for each patient is a very personal decision. Targeting treatment is the most effective way to facilitate recovery.

It's important to remember that there are many risks that go along with a medical detox. It is definitely not right for everyone.

Medications Often Used to Help with Withdrawal Symptoms

The FDA has approved several medications for the purpose of treating addiction during detox. There is no cure for drug or alcohol addiction. These medications serve an important purpose, but they will not result in a cure. Even so, they will make the detox process much more manageable for the person undergoing the process.

So many drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant, and there are quite a few that can be dangerous. When the right medications are given, patients should experience relief from them.

There are different medications recommended for patients depending on their needs and their addictions. These include:

  • Anticonvulsants and anti-seizure drugs: These will help to guard patients against experiencing seizures.
  • Benzodiazepines: These are very effective in reducing the anxiety that can often accompany alcohol withdrawal.
  • Anti-psychotic drugs: These help reduce instances of hallucinations or other symptoms of psychosis.
  • Beta Blockers: These help to keep heart rates and blood pressures at normal levels.
  • A long-acting benzodiazepine: To help to counteract the symptoms from the short-acting benzo drug.
  • Barbiturates: These medications help by treating anxiety and reducing the risk of seizures.
  • Anti-anxiety medications: Help by reducing instances of panic attacks and anxiety.
  • Anti-depressant medications: Help by reducing the risk of depression symptoms.
  • A benzodiazepine medication: This can substitute for the club drug during detox, and it can be helpful to taper this medication off slowly.
  • Anti-depressants: To help reduce the risk of severe depression symptoms from setting in.
  • Sleeping medications: To aid the patient in sleeping during the nighttime hours.
  • Anti-nausea medications: To help prevent nausea and vomiting during the early days of recovery.
  • Anti-anxiety medications: These drugs help to alleviate symptoms of anxiety that can occur when synthetic drugs are stopped.
  • Sleep medications: Insomnia is a common concern when synthetic drugs are stopped. These medications help to alleviate symptoms.
  • Anti-seizure medications: To reduce the risk of patients developing seizures.

Also, there is current research being done on medications that may affect cannabinoid receptors in the brain. These medications may be able to prevent many synthetic marijuana drugs from producing their rewarding effects in the brain.

  • GABA receptor antagonist, which reduces the rewarding effects of stimulants.
  • Antihistamines that help with nausea, vomiting and itchiness.
  • Antidepressants to aid in alleviating or reversing the effects of depression that can occur when stimulants are stopped.
  • Methadone, which is a long-acting opiate medication. It activates the same opioid receptors in the brain, but does not result in euphoria.
  • Suboxone, which reduces cravings and helps with a variety of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Blood pressure medication to ensure that the individual maintains a steady blood pressure.

Opioid drug detoxes generally start with a regimen of tapering off the medication. This also helps to reduce the severity of withdrawal.

Why Some People Opt for Holistic Detox for Drugs and Alcohol

Holistic alcohol and drug detox is starting to become much more popular among detox centers. This method does not require patients to take any type of medication to help with withdrawal symptoms. It also does not utilize medications to remove toxins from the body.

For someone who is going through a holistic detox, the cleanse he or she experiences is natural. Research has shown that when the human body is healthy, it will remove toxins on its own. This completely eliminates the need for any type of medications.

Generally, those who use drugs and alcohol are not living the healthiest of lifestyles when they start treatment. They are usually not getting any physical exercise, and their diets are very poor.

Holistic detox works so well because it offers:

  • Dramatic, positive changes to the individuals' diets
  • The introduction of daily exercise and a physical fitness routine
  • Yoga and other stretching and relaxing activities
  • The introduction of meditation exercises
  • Alternate forms of therapy, such as art therapy to boost healing
  • Various types of massage as a part of the healing process

The human body was designed to eliminate toxins efficiently, without needing any outside help from medications or other medical interventions.

There is really just one main reason why people are starting to become more interested in holistic detox. The medications that are commonly used during medical detox can become addictive. Even more so for someone who is already prone to addiction. Those who go through holistic detox usually find that they have a better recovery experience. They are also much more likely to enjoy a long-term recovery.

How Much does Drug and Alcohol Detox Cost?

There is no hard and fast amount regarding how much alcohol and drug detox costs. That is because everyone is different as far as what they need. Still, it's not cheap to obtain this type of drug and alcohol treatment. That's why so many people put off getting the help they need.

A number of different factors may play into how much it will cost for you to go to a detoxification center. These include:

  • How long you have been using
  • The type of substance that you are addicted to
  • How much of the substance you've been using at a time
  • The type of treatment that will be appropriate for you
  • How long it might take you to get through the detox process

The average individual can usually expect to incur between $1,500 and $5,000 in charges for detoxification. Having said that, it's important to know that this is not a cost that most people pay out of pocket.

Will Health Insurance Cover the Costs of Detoxification?

Healthcare laws in the United States have changed dramatically over the last few years. Whereas many people could once not afford to go to addiction treatment, their situations are now different.

You are most likely familiar with the Affordable Care Act, which is also called ObamaCare. This is the healthcare law that was put into effect a few years ago. Most people think of it as the law that required them to carry health insurance for themselves and their families. While this is true, the law is actually much more than that.

The Affordable Care Act also put many requirements in place for insurance companies. One of those requirements was that all health insurance providers had to offer benefits for addiction treatment.

The costs associated with alcohol and drug detox are included in that requirement. Your health insurance provider is mandated to offer you benefits to cover the treatment you need for your addiction.

This is such a relief to so many people. These are individuals who thought they would never be able to afford to get help for their addictions. They just couldn't afford it until the Affordable Care Act was put in place.

It can be quite difficult to try and figure out what your benefits are for your insurance company. The best way to do that is to contact a alcohol and drug detox and have your insurance verified. This method allows admission personnel the opportunity to give you a recommendation for treatment. At that point, he or she will contact your insurance company for you. You'll have no questions about what your coverage is. Your benefits can also be maximized so that you pay as little out of pocket as possible.

There's no reason not to get the help you need for your addiction because you're concerned about the costs. You may even find out that no copayments are required from you at all. If you're concerned about coming up with the funds to pay for copayments, help may be available for you. Many addiction treatment services receive grant money to help with these expenses.

If you need to apply for health insurance benefits, please visit to apply right away.

The Dangers of Quitting Drugs and Alcohol Cold Turkey

It's common for people to feel in complete control of their addictions. When they do, they often believe they can quit using on their own, without any professional help. Unfortunately, more often than not, they fail.

There are a few dangers involved with attempting to quit the use of drugs or alcohol cold turkey. This method of quitting generally never results in actually quitting long-term.

First of all, when you stop using drugs or alcohol abruptly, without professional help, you're at risk for relapsing. Going back to using drugs or alcohol in itself is dangerous. However, when most people go back to using, they immediately start using the same amount that they were previously. This can quickly lead to an overdose.

Overdoses can be fatal if treatment is not obtained quickly enough. If an overdose happens when the individual is alone, he or she might not be able to call for help. Treating an overdose effectively usually means using a drug called Naloxone, which can reverse the effects.

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine:

  • In 2015, there were 52,404 lethal drug overdoses in the United States.
  • Opioids are the driving force behind this epidemic.
  • Drug overdose is now the number one cause of accidental death in the U.S.
  • Over 20,000 of these overdose deaths was because of opioid pain medications.
  • Close to 13,000 of them were related to the use of heroin.

Of course, there are those who relapse back into using drugs or alcohol who don't overdose. For these individuals, they may be aware of the dangers of going back to their original dosage. However, that doesn't make relapsing much safer for them at all. Instead of having a high risk of overdose, they are creating a dangerous addiction cycle.

Addiction cycles can be described as using drugs or alcohol, quitting, and then relapsing. These cycles can continue on for years unless something is done to stop them.

Every time someone takes another turn through an addiction cycle, it is reinforcing their need for drugs or alcohol. The human brain is easily taught that substances are needed for survival. This is what repeating this cycle accomplishes.

The best way to avoid the addiction cycle and avoid a potentially fatal overdose is to choose professional treatment. Drug and alcohol detox can effectively break the addiction cycle. It can also prevent relapse and overdose.

Choosing an At-Home Detox Instead of Professional Detoxification

Sometimes people will choose to not just quit cold turkey, but to do an actual at-home detox. There are kits that can be purchased over the counter for this purpose at any pharmacy. However, most people believe that they really aren't all that effective.

Detoxing at home can be done with many types of substances, but it should never be attempted alone. Individuals who want to try it should be sure that someone else will be with them at all times. This is purely for safety reasons. Also, there should be several steps taken to ensure a safe detox.

These include:

  • Having a comfortable place to lie down so that the individual can get plenty of rest.
  • Having plenty of nutritious food on hand.
  • Ensuring that there is enough water available, as well as other liquids to aid in hydration.
  • Having a thermometer handy to check the individual's temperature periodically.
  • Having a blood pressure testing kit handy to check blood pressure regularly.

Additional supplies can also be helpful during an at-home detox, such as:

  • Sleeping medications to help with sleep in the event that insomnia sets in.
  • Anti-anxiety medications to fend off anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Over the counter pain medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen to help with body aches and pains.
  • Herbal teas to help the individual relax.
  • Medications to help with upset stomach, nausea and vomiting.

When it is possible, a doctor should always be consulted before attempting an at-home detox. A physician may be willing to prescribe medications to use during the process. These medications can be very helpful with reducing withdrawal symptoms. They can also make the detox much more comfortable.

It's important to be prepared for what withdrawal will be like during the detox process. The above list of withdrawal symptoms is an excellent reference, depending on the type of drug that was used. Symptoms usually start of relatively slow, and they are quite like the symptoms people experience when they stop using briefly. What many people don't realize is that withdrawal does intensify as time goes on.

For many drugs or alcohol, it can take three to five days before withdrawal symptoms peak in their severity. Usually by the end of the first week, the peak should have come and gone. At that point, they will begin to diminish, but this can happen very slowly. It's not uncommon for people to experience spikes in their withdrawal symptoms after reaching the peak.

Also, cravings for the substance being detoxed from are completely normal. In fact, this might be the last withdrawal symptom to subside, and it can take weeks for that to happen. There are some drug users who even report craving drugs years after they've gone through withdrawal.

If you're thinking about attempting an at-home detox, take the proper precautions to be safe. It can be dangerous, and it's much safer when you're in a supervised, professional setting.

What are the Risks Involved with Detoxing on Your Own?

Anyone who wants to attempt to do an at-home detox should be aware of the risks involved with this process. It is dangerous, but knowing the warning signs of a serious complication can protect them.

It doesn't take long for the body to become dependent upon drugs or alcohol. As that dependence is developed, the body begins to view the substance as something normal. When the substance is stopped, it's typical for the body to go through a state of shock. This can lead to serious medical complications regardless of how careful the individual is during the detox process.

Some of the risks involved with an at-home alcohol and drug detox include:

  • The risk of a heart attack or other heart abnormalities
  • The risk of becoming dehydrated
  • Problems with fluctuating blood pressure levels
  • Problems with heart rate
  • Severe nausea and vomiting, which can lead to malnourishment and weight loss
  • The risk of having a stroke
  • The risk of respiratory distress

Even though at-home detox can be attempted, most experts agree that it shouldn't be. The safest way to stop using is to trust a detoxification center that specializes in this type of addiction treatment.

Is Treatment Finished After Alcohol and Drug Detox?

Unfortunately, there are many alcohol and drug detox centers that fail to provide patients with additional treatment. Detoxification should never be viewed as a standalone treatment. However, there are facilities that fail to provide their patients with referrals for rehab.

Your drug and alcohol treatment is not completed after you have gone through detox. In fact, it's just begun. Detoxification will help you by addressing the physical side of your addiction. This is only going to bring about partial recovery for you. Unless the psychological component of your addiction is successfully addressed, your chances for recovery will be small. This is what we be accomplished for you when you go to rehab.

There are many addiction treatment facilities that offer all of the needed services. One of these facilities will probably be a much better option for you. Choosing one of them means that you will be able to go through detox, and move right into rehab immediately.

Alcohol and drug detox is an essential step that should not be skipped. However, it's important for you not to think about it as the only treatment you need. If you're careful to follow through with the treatment methods you need, you'll have a much better chance of recovering.

Continuing Treatment After Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Likewise, you should not think of rehab as the "end of the road," as far as your treatment goes too. This can become a point of frustration for some people because they're eager to get their treatment over with. Allow us to explain why this is so important.

It's much easier if you think of addiction as a disease. Actually, it is a chronic, relapsing disease. It is compulsive, difficult to control, and hard to manage once it's established. In this way, it's very similar to other types of diseases. Consider the disease of diabetes. Diabetics who fail to follow through with the appropriate treatments will suffer a relapse. For them, relapse can be deadly, and the same is true for those with addictions.

When you first started using drugs or alcohol, it was a voluntary decision. Most people are not forced into using, although they may have been strongly influenced.

As you continued to use, your brain underwent many significant changes. These changes prompted continued use until it was eventually out of your control.

The fact that you need ongoing treatment to treat an addiction doesn't mean you will need inpatient care. Many people benefit greatly from detox, inpatient treatment, and then outpatient services. Others need a step-down approach that involves incorporating an intensive outpatient treatment program. The approach that is right for you will be discussed with you.

The most important thing you need to remember is that you will always be a recovering addict. Regardless of how long it's been since your last use. Recovering addicts need ongoing treatment.

Choosing an Alcohol and Drug Detox in Washington State

Choosing an alcohol and drug detox center in WA State can be very confusing. You may not be sure what you should be looking for. Keep in mind that not all detoxification programs are the same, so it's important for you to opt for one that offers:

  • A detailed, personalized treatment plan that is based solely on your needs.
  • The ability to bill your health insurance company directly to reduce your out of pocket costs.
  • Nurses on staff and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Holistic detox or medical detox, based on your preferences and your needs.
  • An accredited program that you know you can trust.
  • Referrals to inpatient treatment, and eventually, outpatient treatment.
  • Additional therapeutic treatment methods to enhance your experience.
  • A luxury setting where you will be as comfortable as possible.

You're about to embark on a significant change in your life that will have a profound effect on your future. Making the right decision now will give you the best chance of success.

Your Options for Detoxification in WA

You have a number of different options available to you in Washington State for alcohol and drug detox. Fortunately, there are a number of different facilities that offer this service, and they include:

  • HarborCrest Behavioral Health Grays Harbor Community Hospital
  • Alpine Recovery Services Incorporated
  • Northpoint Washington
  • Island Crossing Counseling Services
  • Whatcom Community Detox
  • KITSAP Recovery Center
  • Naval Hospital Bremerton Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program
  • Addiction Recovery Center at Lake Chelan Community Hospital
  • A New Spirit Recovery Program Inc.
  • True North Student Assistance and Treatment Services/Mason
  • Evergreen Manor Inc. Detox Services
  • Providence Behavioral Health Services
  • Therapeutic Health Services Everett/Snohomish Branch
  • Lakeside Milam Recovery Centers Inc.
  • Providence Saint Peter Chemical Dependency Center
  • CRC Lynnwood Clinic Branch of WCHS Inc.
  • SKAGIT Recovery Center
  • True Star Recovery Program, Clallam County Youth Services
  • Group Health Cooperative Behavioral Health Detox
  • Highline Addiction Recovery Center
  • Recovery Centers of King County Detoxification Facility

It is so important for you to opt for the detox center that you believe is right for you. Getting the right kind of treatment now can provide you with the support you need for ongoing recovery.

Is Drug and Alcohol Detox Right for You?

If you are addicted to any type of substance, drug and alcohol detox is the right option for you. Detoxification allows you to begin your recovery journey the right way. It is the very first step you should be taking as you consider treating your addiction.

Of course, it cannot be stressed enough that detox should never be considered as the sole treatment for addiction. Far too many people treat it as such, and they find themselves relapsing quickly. Ongoing treatment is essential in order for you to experience long-term recovery. Remember, your addiction is a disease, and because of this, it needs to be treated like all diseases are treated.

Alcohol and drug detox is an excellent first step. It's one that every addict should consider taking when contemplating recovery.

Doing so will provide you with the help you need to arrest the physical component of your addiction. It will also adequately prepare you for the next phase of your recovery journey.

You will always be at a high risk for active addiction. For this reason, it is essential for you to become involved in continuing treatment. It is our hope that this guide has provided you with the information you need to make the right decision.

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