Northpoint Seattle is dedicated to helping people and their families who suffer from addiction. Are you concerned about yourself or a family member who is abusing drugs or alcohol? Our quizzes may be good resources to start beginning the journey to recovery.

This quiz helps you ask yourself a big question: are you addicted to drugs or dependent on alcohol? Sometimes it can be difficult to determine this for yourself, particularly if the addiction develops over a longer period of time.

Perhaps you’ve been asking yourself this question recently, truly wishing you could know the answer. You may be surprised to find that you’re not alone. It is actually quite common for people to become alcoholics and not be aware of it.

That’s the question you’ve been asking yourself over and over again. You’re just not sure. You know you’ve been using substance for quite some time.

Are you addicted to heroin? Many addicts have this question because they don’t believe you’re addicted.