
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Size Medium Wp Image 975 AlignrightCBT works by directly challenging dysfunctional ideas, activities, and cycles. Despite CBT’s long history, it has recently gained a lot of popularity in the last ten to twenty years. CBT is now very probable to be the most common type of therapy. Today’s CBT may help with substance addiction treatment in a significant way.


What Are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Services?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an approach to psychotherapy that focuses on your thinking and behavior. Cognitive-behavioral therapists aim to assist their clients in recognizing automatic, unhelpful thought patterns. Therapy patients become more able to disrupt and replace harmful thoughts with healthier ones when they realize them.
CBT is a highly practical treatment. It has nothing to do with the past. Instead, it aims to help patients cope with current difficulties. Because CBT focuses on real-world skills, most specialists give their clients a lot of homework due to its emphasis on real-world experiences. This task allows you to apply what you’ve learned outside of the therapy session setting.

Does Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Boise Work?

The patient’s participation plays an important role in the success of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Your desire to conduct research and understand your behaviors is a strong predictor of success.
CBT has been found in several studies to be highly effective, frequently working far more rapidly than other treatments. It is unlikely to help individuals who are presently experiencing a crisis. For example, changing your attitudes and emotions about domestic violence will not relieve their pain. CBT might not be beneficial for sexual abuse victims since they may feel that it diagnoses their feelings and puts them off healing faster.

Is CBT for Recovery Right for Me?

CBT in recovery may be an excellent alternative for people who suffer from unhelpful thinking habits that make it difficult to live a happy life. CBT is especially beneficial for individuals recovering from depression and anxiety. CBT can also aid you in coping with the near-constant yearnings, self-doubt, and uncertainty that go along with addiction. If you have difficulties reaching your goals, managing your time, or making healthy selections, CBT could help you.
The list of groups for whom CBT won’t work is significantly shorter than the list of situations that can be effective. In general, CBT may be a bad idea if:

  • You have PTSD and are actively trying to recover from trauma
  • You are currently experiencing a traumatic or abusive situation
  • You are unable to commit to regular therapy homework
  • You struggle to be honest with your therapist
  • You are struggling with family of origin issues or other challenges related to your past
  • You are interested in understanding your past or delving into why you are the way you are

Choosing a Therapist for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Services

A therapist will most likely be assigned to you if you go to rehabilitation. However, the strongest predictor of therapeutic success is a solid relationship between a clinician and her patient. If you believe the psychologist you’ve been given isn’t suitable for you, don’t be hesitant to request someone different.
A good therapist won’t shy away from pointed questions, so consider asking some of the following:

  • Are you licensed to practice, and have you ever been disciplined by a licensing board?
  • How long have you been practicing CBT?
  • Have you been trained in CBT techniques?
  • Do you combine CBT with other techniques? Which techniques? How do you combine them?
  • Am I a good candidate for CBT?
  • How long will therapy take?
  • How will I know I’m getting better?
  • What if I don’t improve?
  • Is there anything I can do to improve the effectiveness of therapy?

The answers you receive can help determine whether or not you feel comfortable with a given practitioner.

Seek Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Rehab at Northpoint Seattle

Northpoint Seattle may help you if you want high-quality cognitive-behavioral treatment and rehabilitation. We specialize in CBT for drug and alcohol therapy, which allows us to integrate it into your overall addiction recovery plan. When you work with us, full-spectrum assistance for sobriety efforts is guaranteed. To discover more about our CBT services, please contact us at 888.483.6031.