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Methadone Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Methadone Clinics and Using This Narcotic to Treat Addiction

There are Methadone clinics located all over the United States to treat addiction. More specifically, Methadone is being used to treat opioid addiction. It is also useful, in some cases, to treat chronic pain. 

For those who suffer from opiate addiction, they may feel as though they have nowhere to turn. For them, Methadone clinics may be a source of hope. Are you considering whether or not this type of opioid replacement therapy is right for you? If you are, this is information that you will find to be very useful in making your decision.

What is a Methadone Clinic?

A Methadone clinic is a facility where Methadone is dispensed to people with opioid addictions. The focus is on the reduction of opioid usage, or even to totally eliminate opioid use. 

There are two different types of Methadone clinics. There are public and private clinics. Public clinics receive government funding, and may have a waiting list.

This means that you cannot just walk into one of these Methadone clinics. The private clinics may be more expensive, but they often don’t have a waiting list. 

Methadone treatment is considered to be a pretty controversial form of opioid replacement therapy. In most cases, patients are encouraged to seek out other forms of treatment first.


What Happens at a Methadone Clinic?

Your first visit to a Methadone clinic may make you nervous, but there really is no need to be. You’ll meet with members of the medical team, and talk with a doctor. The doctor will order drug tests for you, and you’ll discuss what your preference is for treatment. You will be able to choose between maintenance and detox.

Methadone maintenance is for people who are unable to stop taking illicit opioids. In this case, this drug offers an alternative. Methadone detox is for those who want to use Methadone to stop using all opioid drugs. This includes stopping the use of Methadone, eventually.

Once you have a plan made, you’ll get your first dose of Methadone. At this point, your treatment will begin. You’ll also discuss everything else you will be required to do, such as counseling.

What is Methadone Made Of?

Methadone is a synthetic opioid drug that is made from chemicals in a lab. Other drugs in the same class as Methadone include:

  • OxyContin
  • Morphine
  • Percocet
  • Vicodin
  • Heroin 

This drug was developed during World War II in Germany. Originally, people used Methadone for pain relief. Some people believe that Methadone may be more addictive than Oxycodone. There may be some truth to this, which is why its use is often questioned.

Methadone is an opioid drug that is sometimes also called a narcotic. It goes by other names as well, such as: 

  • Methadose
  • Diskets
  • Dolophine
  • Dollies
  • Junk 

Because it is such a strong narcotic, Methadone should only be used in certain circumstances. For instance, it’s not really for use at home. In some cases, the drug may be permitted for at-home use only on days when the clinic is closed.

As we previously mentioned, Methadose was primarily used for pain management when it was first developed. It wasn’t until later that it was found to be an option for treating opioid dependence and addiction. There really are no other Methadone indications for use.

It’s important to understand the different Methadone dosage information if you are considering using this drug. What you first need to know is that you will be receiving a daily dosage of Methadose. There are different ways that this drug is given. Some people may take a liquid methadone dosage, while others take a pill, or have an IV or injection. Your doctor will discuss the best method for you to take this drug. 

Your doctor will use Methadose dose conversion to decide which dose is right for you, based on your opioid use. He or she may also find reasons to increase your Diskets dose, depending on how you respond. 

For many people, between 80mg and 120mg of Diskets is considered to be very effective for detox and maintenance. Of course, the Methadone syrup dosage may be different from one given through an IV. You may be curious about what is considered a high dose of Methadose. The highest dose of Methadone on record is 240mg, but this is considered only for chronic pain.

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Methadone Clinic Information to Keep in Mind

When you begin at a Methadose clinic, requirements may be stated to you. Most will require their patients to also go through addiction treatment. Most of the time, an outpatient or IOP program will be sufficient to adhere to these requirements. 

You will want to consider a number of things prior to starting treatment with Diskets.

One of these is the Methadose clinic cost, and whether or not you can afford it. You may find that your health insurance will help cover the costs. Or, you may need to pay out of pocket. 

If you’re wondering how to get into a clinic for Diskets treatment, it starts by finding one. You can search for “Methadone clinics near me” to find where they are located. You should be able to find a Methadone clinic locator that will point you in the right direction. 

Above all, take your time when making a decision about Dolophine. It might be the right course of action for you. However, there are also alternatives that might work better.

Should You be Worried About Dolophine Side Effects?

Whether you’re concerned about the side effects of liquid Methadone or Methadone pills, this is something to consider. Yes, Dolophine does have side effects, and they are more severe than other forms of ORT. It’s important to learn about Dolophine’s effects before you decide to start using this drug.

Remember that Diskets is a narcotic drug. Because of that, you should expect side effects. It does have an effect on the brain, and it can cause: 

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Feelings of confusion
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Bouts of depression
  • Bouts of anxiety or even panic attacks
  • Sedation and relaxation 

All of the above can happen with the short-term use of Methadone. Some people may even experience them after just one dose.

Methadose also has a profound effect on the body in the short-term. After just a few uses, you may find that you experience: 

  • Nausea and possible vomiting
  • Bouts of constipation
  • A decreased breathing rate
  • A decreased heart rate
  • Excessive sweating (hot or cold sweats) 

If you take too much Methadose, you may find that your blood pressure decreases. Your heart rate may also drop dangerously low. Additional Methadone side effects may include issues with the teeth.

Long-term Methadone use happens all the time. This is typically for those who find a way to abuse the drug, or who are on Methadose maintenance, and not detox. 

The long-term effects of Methadone may include: 

  • Problems with the heart
  • Chronically reduced breathing rates
  • Sexual dysfunction and menstrual cycle changes
  • Problems with judgment
  • Brain changes regarding memory and learning

How Does Methadone Make You Feel?

Methadose is a drug that causes extreme sedation. After taking it, most people feel really good. People often wonder, how does Methadone work, and why is it so controversial?

The Methadone mechanism of action works by blocking the effects of other opiate drugs. This means that if you take opiates like heroin or Oxy, you won’t feel the effects of them. However, on the other side of that is the euphoria that this drug can cause. It helps with withdrawal symptoms from opiates, but it causes a high of its own in the process.

How is Methadose Different From Other Opioid Drugs?

The differences lie within Methadone’s pharmacokinetics. Methadose has a longer half-life than many others. This means it lasts longer in the body. For example, the mechanism of action for Buprenorphine, and its half-life is quite different. Buprenorphine will leave the body much faster than Methadone will. This is one reason why many people prefer it for ORT over other options.

Diskets is not an easy drug to abuse, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Within Methadone clinics, its use is heavily controlled. However, Diskets can be purchased online or on the street at a reasonable cost. Also, in the event that patients are allowed to take their medication home with them, they may abuse it there.

Methadone abuse occurs when people are taking it solely for the purpose of getting high. They’re not concerned about treating their opiate addictions. When too much Methadose is taken, it will produce a high that can be addictive.

The Methadose high produces sensations of extreme relaxation and sedation. It is a euphoric feeling that mimics the high with other opioid drugs. This high can last as long as 8 hours in some cases. However, some do say that the effects can still be felt for 48 hours when using liquid Methadone.

Any drug that is used to get high can result in an addiction. This, of course, includes Methadone. People frequently go back to Methadone clinics to get dosed because they can’t imagine life without it. It is a narcotic drug, and some would argue that it’s one of the more addictive ones.

Methadone Addiction Statistics That May Surprise You

There is so much to learn about Methadose and how risky it is. Its use is also much more common than you might think. In fact: 

  • About 1 million people in the United States are addicted to heroin
  • Of these individuals, about 120,000 people use Methadose to control their addictions.
  • According to the CDC, in 2012, Methadone accounted for about 1 out of 3 opioid-related deaths.
  • 20% of people who enter Methadone clinics will continue treatment for more than 10 years.
  • In 2004, close to 4,000 deaths were attributed to Methadose.
  • Of these, 82% of them were called accidental. Many of them involved the use of Diskets with some other type of drug. 

These Methadone statistics are shocking to say the least. A drug that is intended to help can actually be harmful. Sadly, that is the truth behind all forms of opioid replacement therapy.

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How to Know if You Have a Dolophine Addiction

If you have been using Dolophine, you need to know if you have an addiction. One way to find out is to take an addiction quiz like this one. You can also look for some of the signs of Methadone addiction in your own life.

These might include: 

  • Using Methadose to get high, and for no other purpose
  • Combining Methadone with other drugs to see how the effects will change
  • Constantly finding that you’re thinking a lot about getting high
  • Going through withdrawal when you miss a dose of Dolophine
  • Forming a tolerance, which means you need more of the drug to get high

Treating a Diskets Addiction the Right Way

It might surprise you to find out that many people don’t intend to become addicted to Methadone. They take their medication as it was prescribed to them. They may take it for a long time, and then form a dependence or addiction to it. 

Even in cases of accidental addiction, Methadone addiction treatment is necessary.

It’s never recommended to just simply stop taking this drug. It is a narcotic that will cause Methadose withdrawal symptoms when it is stopped. This is something you need to be aware of. 

Methadone addiction treatment centers are available for you to stop using it safely. They will help you with the right type of treatment, which could involve drug detox. This aids in the controlling of withdrawal, and makes the recovery process much more comfortable.

There are several side effects of Dolophine withdrawal that you need to be aware of. If you do choose to just stop using Methadone, these will make it very difficult for you to do it. 

Some common Methadose withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Having flu-like symptoms, such as body aches and chills
  • Having anxiety or panic attacks
  • Experiencing a faster heart rate than normal
  • Stomach cramps
  • Cravings for Methadose
  • Depression that may lead to suicidal thoughts
  • Feelings of paranoia 

As you can see, these side effects of Dolophine withdrawal are dangerous. Some are even life-threatening. This speaks to the power of this drug, and how important it is to quit using it the right way.

Thousands of people overdose on drugs in the United States each year. In fact, in 2015, there were more than 50,000 drug overdoses in our country. Of these, close to 35,000 of them were related to opioid drugs, including Methadone. 

Anyone who chooses to quit using Methadose on their own is at risk for a drug overdose. There is a very good reason for this. 

When you stop using Dolophine, or another form of Methadone, your tolerance levels drop. You start experiencing cravings as the drug leaves your body. If you give in to those cravings, you may start using again. If you use too much, you could overdose.

Avoiding a Methadone Overdose With Proper Addiction Treatment

You may still be trying to decide if Methadone is right for you. Here at Northpoint Seattle, we can help you with that decision. Opioid addiction recovery isn’t something to take lightly. You want to make the best decision for you. 

Do you have more questions about Methadone treatment? We’d love to help you. Contact us today.

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