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What Is the Best Way to Prevent Relapse?

Even after completing an addiction recovery program, an individual might relapse and start using substances again. This doesn’t signal failure, but a temporary roadblock in the healing path, and that treatment must be customized to match the patient’s unique needs. Dual diagnosis treatment, aftercare programs, and holistic therapies help in preventing relapse. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, reach out to Northpoint Seattle’s personalized relapse prevention therapy program.

Addiction is a highly complex disease with physical and psychological side effects. Merely opting for medical detox and addressing the physical symptoms cannot help in preventing relapse. However, unraveling the root causes of a substance use disorder, identifying one’s triggers, and having contingency plans all play a key role in preventing relapse. To know more about how to prevent a relapse or to enroll your loved one in relapse prevention therapy, call us at 888.483.6031.

How to Prevent a Relapse

It is estimated that 40 to 60 percent of people who struggle with addiction experience a relapse at some point in their lives. However, with recent breakthroughs in addiction treatment, new techniques have been developed to prevent relapse.

The following tips and tricks will guide you on how to prevent a relapse:

Opt for Relapse Prevention Therapy

The best way of preventing relapse is to enroll in relapse prevention therapy. It uses cognitive-behavioral techniques to recognize high-risk situations that can trigger a relapse and helps the patient to become self-motivated and self-reliant on their healing journey.

Identify Personal Triggers

Triggers can refer to anything that initiates a toxic thinking pattern that can eventually lead to a relapse. For people in recovery, attending a social event where booze is freely served might tempt them. Or, for someone recovering from drug use, walking down a familiar locality or encountering former buddies might bring back memories of recreational drug consumption and prompt them to start using again.

If you’re worried about your loved one relapsing, you must identify their personal triggers and help them to avoid such situations or events until their condition is relatively stable.

Watch Out for HALT

This is another simple technique for preventing relapse. HALT is an acronym for the most common triggers:

  • Hungry
  • Angry
  • Lonely
  • Tired

If you are experiencing a craving, take a moment to ask yourself if you’re also feeling one or more of the above symptoms. By becoming aware of your emotions and taking steps to distract yourself from unhelpful thoughts, you can effectively prevent relapse.

Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care

Developing one’s willpower and self-control can also go a long way in preventing relapse. By focusing on your needs, setting firm boundaries, and practicing self-care every day, you can commit to lifelong sobriety and wellness.

To get you started, here are some small things you can do each day to live in the moment:

  • Practice breathwork and meditation
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Go for a walk outdoors
  • Eat nutritious meals
  • Maintain a sleep schedule

Find Help with Northpoint Seattle’s Relapse Prevention Therapy

Hope and healing are always available at Northpoint Seattle for those who need them. From intensive outpatient programs to partial hospitalization, we offer a range of customizable programs and services designed to get you back on your feet in no time.

At our state-of-the-art clinic in Seattle, you can count on doctors and therapists to gently guide you throughout the recovery process. In one-on-one sessions with a cognitive-behavioral therapist, you will learn vital coping strategies and replace negative thoughts with healthy habits. Moreover, we also encourage loved ones to play an active role in your recovery, via family education and counseling sessions.

Sign up for addiction treatment and relapse prevention therapy by calling us at 888.483.6031 or contacting us online today.