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What’s the Importance of a Drug Detox Program?

Quitting drugs can be hard. Withdrawal is uncomfortable, and many people feel unprepared to go through that process on their own. In some cases, going through withdrawal without help can even be dangerous. For those reasons, entering a drug detox facility is something that people seeking to stop using drugs often investigate. You may have questions about entering a drug detox program, and learning more about the process and what it can do for you or your loved one can empower you to make informed choices about recovery care. To learn more, call Northpoint Seattle today at 888.483.6031 or reach out to us online.

What Is Drug Detox? Is It the Same as a Rehab Program?

A drug detox program is different from a traditional rehab program. You can think of detox as a first step in a longer recovery process. During a drug detox program, patients are given medications and therapies to help them navigate the withdrawal process as safely and comfortably as possible. Also, patients are monitored by care staff to make sure they are tolerating withdrawal well and not experiencing any medical issues.

How Does a Drug Detox Help Patients Stop Using?

The importance of a drug detox program in a patient’s recovery is difficult to understate. Experiencing withdrawal is often challenging and leads patients to return to using, creating a vicious cycle that can be hard to break. Here are some of the main ways that a drug detox program can help:

  • A safe and supportive environment – In order to start recovering, patients need a recovery-focused environment. Detox programs offer a combination of emotional, medical, and therapeutic support in a secure setting where patients will not be exposed to triggers.
  • Medical supervision – In some cases, suddenly stopping a drug can be dangerous. In a drug detox program, patients are evaluated and monitored to make sure that they are withdrawing in a way that is safe for them.
  • Continuity of care – Most drug detox programs either offer a transition to a longer, more intensive substance use disorder treatment program or have relationships with other programs that do. This is important because detox is only the first step on the recovery journey.
  • Peace of mind – The time right after getting clean is also, unfortunately, the time when a patient is at the highest risk of overdose. Patients that participate in a drug detox program have access to further care and support that can help mitigate this risk and keep them safer.

Drug detox is widely regarded as the best and safest first step to overcoming addiction. Completing detox before entering a treatment program leads to better recovery outcomes and higher success rates.

What Happens Next After Drug Detox?

After a detox program has been completed, most patients will benefit from continuing their treatment in either an inpatient or outpatient setting. Simply getting over the withdrawal process is vital, but without further support and care, returning to use is a real possibility. Often, substance use is complicated by trauma, mental health issues, and other circumstances. Going on to a full treatment program is a critical part of achieving a full and lasting recovery. An additional benefit of participating in a drug detox program that transitions to an intensive treatment program is that you or your loved one will get connected to a community of supportive and recovery-focused caregivers and peers.

Northpoint Seattle: Offering Drug Detox and Beyond

At our treatment center, we offer flexible and individualized care that is based on current best practices for the treatment of substance use disorders. We also understand that patients are more than just their diagnoses, and we treat each person in a way that honors their experience while also supporting them in their recovery journey. If you or someone that you care about has been struggling with substance use, reach out to our caring and knowledgeable staff today at 888.483.6031 or via our online contact form.