Our Seattle Location
Northpoint Seattle’s outpatient treatment program is located in beautiful Seattle, Washington, and we work to help the surrounding communities.
- Seattle
2111 N Northgate Way Suite 101,
Seattle, WA 98133, United States
Sadly, many people are not aware of the help that is available to them. They often feel like they have been sentenced to a life of substance abuse. We want to make people aware that there is hope, and they can find support right in their own neighborhood.
In addition to many addiction treatment options, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings can help too. Millions of people have recovered because of these programs. Families and loved ones can get support through Al-Anon and Alateen as well.
Though we are not affiliated with these programs, we fully believe in what they do. We felt that it was important to include meeting lists here. We also want to share about the importance of considering professional addiction treatment in the Richland area.
Richland is home to many fantastic detox centers. These facilities help addicts to get the drugs out of their bodies so that they can move forward into recovery.
It’s not necessary for an addict to attend a professional facility for detox. But, it certainly helps. Oftentimes, detox is a painful process, especially if an addict tries to do it on their own. It generates withdrawal symptoms that are quite unpleasant.
By checking into a medical detox center, addicts are able to withdraw under the supervision of doctors. These doctors help to ease their withdrawal symptoms and ensure their safety throughout the process.
If you’re thinking about getting clean, it’s recommended to consider medical detox. This resource helps to make the process safer and more comfortable.
Addition treatment doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Click here to find out if your insurance provider will pay for it.
The city is also home to some of the best rehab centers in Washington State.
Rehab, or rehabilitation treatment, is a resource that helps addicts to transition from their life as an addict back into life as a sober person. These programs are staffed with therapists, counselors, and addiction specialists. All of those professionals help to facilitate a smoother transition.
Rehab comes in many forms. Some rehabs are inpatient programs. These are residential programs where the addict lives on-campus at the facility for a few weeks. They spend each day meeting with therapists and support groups who help them to get used to being sober.
Other rehabs are outpatient programs. These programs are non-residential. The addict doesn’t live at the facility. But, they go there every day for a few weeks to meet with therapists and support groups.
Both types of rehab work well for different people. They both help addicts learn how to manage stress, cope with cravings, and avoid relapse.
Could rehab help you get your life back on track? Learn more about our rehab program!
The SAMHSA treatment locator indicates that there are only two addiction rehab programs within 5 miles of Richland. Only one is located directly in the city, and it is an outpatient program.
Additional drug and alcohol rehabs are located farther away. There are almost 30 of them within a 50-mile radius of Richland.
People often want to know which type of rehab will give them the best results. But the fact is that it is nearly impossible to answer this question in general. People experience addiction and recovery differently, so the same approach will not work for everyone.
An inpatient program may be recommended for a number of reasons. This is often the best choice for people who have a history of relapsing, or who have never been to treatment before. It may also be necessary for the individual who does not have a strong support system at home.
Outpatient programs can work really well, even for those who are new to recovery. They are typically recommended as a way to follow-up after inpatient rehab. But they can also be effective for those who are truly motivated to recover. Some people need the flexibility that outpatient treatment offers because of work, school or other commitments.
At Northpoint Seattle, we offer quality outpatient rehab that is targeted to meet the individual needs of our clients. We know how important it is for people to have options, which is why our program is so varied. We have a partial hospitalization program, an IOP and a more traditional outpatient rehab.
Our inpatient rehab facility is Northpoint Washington, and it is located in the City of Edmonds. They offer a number of different services, such as:
There are many people who need to begin recovering by going through an inpatient program. They need the stability that this type of treatment center can provide for them. It is nearly impossible to relapse, and patients can get support 24 hours a day.
One of the benefits of choosing Northpoint Washington is the fact that they offer detox and rehab at the same location. Patients experience a seamless transition when they move from one type of treatment to another. This is also a smaller facility, so their patients never feel like they get lost in the mix, or that they are “just a number.” They are individual people with real addictions that need the best care.
Surprisingly, many people are unaware that their health insurance companies offer benefits for addiction treatment. This has been a federal law since 2010, and insurance companies are required to comply.
Before the Affordable Care Act went into effect, some people did not have coverage for rehab and detox. Instead, they had to pay out of pocket for the services they needed. Even those who did have coverage often found that it was not enough.
As a general rule, the benefits for outpatient care tend to be better than those for inpatient programs. That is one of the main reasons why people often prefer IOPs and traditional outpatient rehab to inpatient treatment. But every policy is different, and there are those that cover the cost of addiction treatment in full too.
Richland is home to many fantastic detox centers. These facilities help addicts to get the drugs out of their bodies so that they can move forward into recovery.
It’s not necessary for an addict to attend a professional facility for detox. But, it certainly helps. Oftentimes, detox is a painful process, especially if an addict tries to do it on their own. It generates withdrawal symptoms that are quite unpleasant.
By checking into a medical detox center, addicts are able to withdraw under the supervision of doctors. These doctors help to ease their withdrawal symptoms and ensure their safety throughout the process.
If you’re thinking about getting clean, it’s recommended to consider medical detox. This resource helps to make the process safer and more comfortable.
Addition treatment doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Click here to find out if your insurance provider will pay for it.
The city is also home to some of the best rehab centers in Washington State.
Rehab, or rehabilitation treatment, is a resource that helps addicts to transition from their life as an addict back into life as a sober person. These programs are staffed with therapists, counselors, and addiction specialists. All of those professionals help to facilitate a smoother transition.
Rehab comes in many forms. Some rehabs are inpatient programs. These are residential programs where the addict lives on-campus at the facility for a few weeks. They spend each day meeting with therapists and support groups who help them to get used to being sober.
Other rehabs are outpatient programs. These programs are non-residential. The addict doesn’t live at the facility. But, they go there every day for a few weeks to meet with therapists and support groups.
Both types of rehab work well for different people. They both help addicts learn how to manage stress, cope with cravings, and avoid relapse.
Could rehab help you get your life back on track? Learn more about our rehab program!
Northpoint Seattle is an addiction treatment facility located in Bellevue, WA, just 3 hours from Richland.
Alcoholics Anonymous is quite possibly the most well-known addiction support group on Earth. Since it was founded in 1935, it has helped hundreds of thousands of problem drinkers to get sober.
This organization holds free meetings where alcohol addicts gather to talk about addiction. They swap stories. They offer advice. They open up about their regrets and discuss the steps they’re taking to improve their lives. This gives alcoholics the opportunity to connect with other people who understand what they’ve been through.
Every AA member works through the Twelve Steps. This is a system designed by the program’s founder, Bill W. The psychologist, who suffered from alcoholism himself, created this system to help people overcome their habits. It teaches addicts how to stop focusing so much on themselves and to turn their energy toward helping the people around them.
If you or a loved one is struggling with a drinking problem, Alcoholics Anonymous could be a great resource.
There are dozens of meetings in the area. Here are a few that might work well for you:
Sundays @7:00 PM
Richland Group Fellowship Hall
1924 Saint Street
Richland, Washington 99354
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Thursdays @8:00 PM
How it Works
First Baptist Church
1107 Wright Avenue
Richland, Washington 99354
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Fridays @6:00 PM
Richland Lutheran Church
Back to Meetings
901 Van Giesen Street
Richland, Washington 99354
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Narcotics Anonymous, also known as “NA”, is another popular support group. This one caters to specifically to drug addicts as opposed to alcoholics.
Members struggle with all kinds of different addictions: heroin addiction, cocaine addiction, crystal meth addiction, etc. Some members have a prescription drug abuse problem and some are even addicted to marijuana. The organization does not privilege any particular drug over another.
It’s similar to AA in the sense that it facilitates free, daily meetings. Members gather in these meetings to support each other in recovery. This program also uses the Twelve Steps as a roadmap to sobriety.
For many people, NA is the key to quitting drugs. If you or someone you know has a substance abuse habit, this program could help you get clean.
Want to find a meeting in your neighborhood? You may want to start with one of these:
Mondays @7:30 PM
Steps and Traditions
Northwest United Protestant Church
1312 North Sacramento Boulevard
Richland, Washington 99354
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Wednesdays @7:30 PM
Wednesday Night Newcomers
West Highlands Methodist Church
17 South Union Street
Kennewick, Washington 99336
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Fridays @6:30 PM
We're Glad You’re Here
Kingspoint Christian School
7900 West Court Street
Pasco, Washington 99301
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Saturdays @7:30 PM
Saturday Night Live
United Methodist Church
421 West Kennewick Avenue
Kennewick, Washington 99336
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SMART Recovery is one of the most popular alternatives to Twelve Step programs. This program tends to work well for addicts who avoid treatment because they’re skeptical of AA and NA.
Surprisingly, many people are hesitant to join an Anonymous program. Typically, it’s because they think that these programs are religious groups. It makes sense, given the fact that the programs ask members to find a “higher power” to help them get sober.
But, this is actually one of the most common misunderstandings about AA and NA, as they leave it up to members to choose their own higher power.
Either way, SMART Recovery offers a 100% non-spiritual option. In this group, there is no discussion of religion or spirituality. Many recovering addicts appreciate this and find that the program works better for them.
If you’re struggling with addiction but you’re hesitant to join a support group, this could be the perfect one for you!
Each week, SMART members gather at the Richland Community Center to talk about addiction. Here are the meeting details:
Sundays @3:00 PM
Richland SMART
Richland Community Center
500 Amon Park Drive
Richland, Washington 99352
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Al-Anon is a support group for family members and friends. The organization holds meetings where the relatives of addicts get together to talk about their lives.
Loving an addict is a painful experience. It brings anger, sadness, depression, and anxiety. Oftentimes, there’s nowhere for people to open up about these emotions. Over time, these feelings can take a drastic toll on one’s life.
In Al-Anon meetings, members have the chance to talk with other people who understand what they’re going through. They talk about their lives and offer each other advice. Together, they all work to overcome the burden of loving an addicted person.
If you’re the parent, child, spouse, or sibling of an addict, this could be a great resource for you. It’ll help you to connect with people who can empathize with your situation and will show you that you’re not alone.
There are several meetings in the area. Here are a few that might work well for you:
Mondays @7:00 PM
Monday Night Reality Check AFG
Grace And Truth Community Church
1301 Bombing Range Road
West Richland, Washington 99353
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Fridays @12:00 PM
Friday Noon AFG
Boy Scout Building
8478 West Gage Boulevard
Kennewick, Washington 99336
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Alateen is an Al-Anon subgroup. It’s designed specifically for young people. This group holds meetings where the children of addicts can find support.
It’s not easy to talk to kids about addiction. The topic is painful and complex. But, it’s important for children to know that it’s not their fault and that they’re not alone.
Alateen meetings help to show them both of these things. In these meetings, a group leader facilitates a discussion in which every child can feel safe to talk about their feelings. They also teach the children how addiction works, why some people become addicts, and how they can cope with their negative emotions.
If you know a child whose life is impacted by an addict’s behavior, you may want to bring them to a meeting.
There’s a popular meeting in nearby Kennewick. Here are the meeting details:
Thursdays @7:00 PM
Thursday Night Alateen
First Lutheran Church
418 North Yelm Street
Kennewick, Washington 99336
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Northpoint Seattle is a detox and rehab treatment center located in Bellevue, WA. We offer a high-quality medical detox program and intensive outpatient treatment services.
If you’ve decided that it’s time to turn your life around and you think an IOP might be what you need, give us a call. We’ll help you get back on the right track.
Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.
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