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7 Tips for Writing an Intervention Letter

person carefully writing letter after receiving tips for writing an intervention letter

Addiction in the U.S. runs rampant. The chances that you know someone struggling with alcohol or drug abuse are higher now than ever. As heartbreaking as it can be to watch, it can be even more challenging and isolating for those struggling with addiction. Recognizing the signs of addiction and encouraging a healthy recovery by staging an intervention can help turn a person’s life around for a better future.

The first step in staging an intervention is to write a letter to express your concerns. Learning tips for writing an intervention letter can help you reach your loved one in words that are kind and compassionate and effectively lead them to treatment.

If you have a loved one struggling to get sober, staging an intervention and helping them find a professional recovery center could save their life. At Northpoint Recovery, we know how important it is for family members to help each other heal in the face of addiction. Our individual, group, and family therapies can help develop the critical skills for recovery.

Call us at 888.483.6031 today to enroll in one of our addiction treatment programs.

What Is an Intervention Letter?

An intervention letter is a document that tries to persuade a person to seek professional help for their addiction. The letter should be concise and direct while offering support and love throughout. The goal of an intervention is to get your loved one into treatment so they can start living a healthier and happier life.

7 Tips for Writing an Intervention Letter

Your loved one may feel overwhelmed and lost; they may be too scared to ask for help, fearing rejection. Writing an effective, compassionate intervention letter can help them understand how you feel and be the spark they’ve been looking for to get help. Here’s some advice on how to write an intervention letter:

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

The letter aims to convey your point without overwhelming the person you are trying to help. Stick to one or two paragraphs at most.

2. Get Straight to the Point

There is no need for small talk or beating around the bush. Be honest about your concerns and feelings, and try to explain how their addiction is affecting you and others.

3. Offer Support

Let your loved one know you are there for them no matter what, and express your belief in their ability to improve. Try to offer practical advice or resources that can help with recovery.

4. Be Sensitive but Firm

This situation is delicate, so it is essential to be understanding and confident in what you are saying. Avoid sounding judgmental or condescending.

5. Use “I” Statements

Rather than lecturing your loved one about their choices, focus on how their addiction has made you feel. This clarity will help them see how their choices are affecting others.

6. Keep it Positive

The goal of the intervention letter is to help your loved one turn their life around, so try to focus on the positives and keep your tone encouraging and supportive.

7. Seek Professional Help

If you are unsure how to write an effective intervention letter or feel like your loved one is in danger, it is always best to seek professional help. Consulting a therapist or addiction specialist can give you the guidance and tools you need to ensure your loved one gets the support they deserve.

Call Northpoint Seattle Today to Help Start the Recovery Process

If you have a loved one struggling with addiction, Northpoint Recovery can help. We offer individual, group, and family therapies focusing on critical recovery skills so your loved one can get back on track. Individual treatment plans can include medical intervention, one-on-one counseling, dual diagnosis therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Don’t wait any longer; call us at 888.483.6031 today or complete our online form to get started.​​​