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An In-Depth Look at Morphine Addiction, Abuse, and Treatment

a person looks sadly past the camera as they realize the need for morphine addiction treatment

Morphine is a highly potent opioid pain medication. It is typically used to treat moderate to severe pain. While it is an effective painkiller, it also has a high potential for abuse and addiction. Unfortunately, when someone starts abusing opioids like morphine, they often need rehab to help them break the cycle of addiction and learn to live without drugs and alcohol again. Morphine addiction treatment is safe, effective, and sometimes a lifesaver for people who struggle to quit using on their own.

At Northpoint Seattle, we know how challenging it can be to quit using opioids alone. Our compassionate team provides support and understanding during our outpatient morphine addiction treatment program. When you enroll in our program, you will receive an in-depth assessment that helps to create a personalized treatment plan that works for you. Get started today by calling 888.483.6031.

What Is Morphine?

Morphine is a powerful opioid painkiller derived from the opium poppy plant. It is typically used to treat moderate to severe pain. It can be taken orally, injected, or inhaled. When taken as prescribed by a doctor, morphine can be safe and effective. However, when misused or abused, it can lead to severe consequences, including addiction and overdose.

Side Effects of Morphine Abuse

The side effects of morphine abuse include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Impaired mental functioning
  • Slowed breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Confusion

Some side effects can be mild, while others can be more severe. When someone abuses opioids, they will also experience opioid withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop taking the drug cold turkey.

Recognizing Morphine Addiction

Several signs and symptoms indicate that someone is struggling with a morphine addiction. These include:

  • Taking higher doses of morphine than prescribed or taking it more often than prescribed
  • Continual cravings for morphine
  • Taking risks, like driving while under the influence of morphine, to obtain or use morphine
  • Neglecting work or personal responsibilities to use morphine
  • Experiencing financial problems due to buying morphine
  • Withdrawing from friends and family members

If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of these signs or symptoms, it may be time to seek professional help.

What to Expect in a Morphine Rehab Program

If you have decided to seek treatment for your morphine addiction, you may wonder what to expect during rehab. The first step in most rehab programs is detoxification—when the individual stops using morphine and allows their body to rid itself of the drug. The person can gradually reduce the dose over time or stop taking the drug immediately, which can lead to withdrawals.

Once detoxification is complete, the individual will begin therapy, where they will work on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of their addiction. They will also learn coping and relapse prevention skills that they can use throughout their life. Most rehab programs will last 30 days, but some may last 60 days or longer, depending on the individual’s needs.

Morphine Abuse Treatment at Northpoint Seattle

At Northpoint Seattle, our morphine addiction treatment program uses evidence-based methods to help every one of our patients heal. Some of these programs include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – This type of therapy is designed to help the individual identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their addiction.
  • Family therapy – This type of therapy can help to heal the family unit and improve communication and relationships.
  • Dual diagnosis treatment – This type of treatment is for those who struggle with both a substance abuse disorder and a mental health disorder.
  • Relapse prevention – This type of therapy teaches the individual how to identify and avoid triggers that could cause them to relapse.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a morphine addiction, please call us today at 888.483.6031 or contact us online to learn more about our treatment programs. We can help you get on the road to recovery and live a healthy and fulfilling life.