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The Dangers of Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is tremendously addictive and frequently deadly when abused. If you or someone you care about is using this potent nervous system depressant outside of a doctor’s orders, it’s imperative to get help as soon as possible.

The dangers of fentanyl addiction really can’t be overstated, but the good news is that adequate care is also available. For assistance in Washington and to learn more about the dangers of fentanyl use, reach out to Northpoint Seattle today. You can reach our team at 888.483.6031 or by electronic message, and we’d be happy to speak with you about our fentanyl addiction treatment program.

Why Does Fentanyl Pose Such a Strong Addiction Danger? 

All opioids act on the brain’s natural neurotransmitter function and flood its system with dopamine, the chemical responsible for a sense of pleasure and reward. With chronic use, tolerance develops, meaning a person using needs more fentanyl to get the same effect. Even worse, their brain effectively “forgets” how to regulate dopamine without the drug, leading to highly uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings.

Lab-created fentanyl causes addiction much faster than many other opioids and is more potent than many of its plant-derived analogs like heroin. When a person uses fentanyl, the effects are powerful, leading to a grossly escalated addiction timeline. A central nervous system depressant, high doses of fentanyl slow down heart rate and lower blood pressure to a dangerous degree. Thus, people who die of fatal fentanyl overdoses generally show causes of death related to suffocation and oxygen deprivation to vital organs. 

Dangers of fentanyl abuse include the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Discoordination
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Fatigue or low energy 
  • GI distress
  • Swelling in the hands and feet
  • Powerful cravings if they go without the drug for even a short while
  • Financial or legal trouble due to illegal pursuit of fentanyl
  • Decline in performance at school, work, and home 

Getting free from this notorious opioid is essential for basic survival and optimal quality of life.

How a Qualified Rehab Program Can Help You Address Fentanyl Addiction Dangers

In fentanyl rehab, you’ll first undergo medical detox, where you receive 24/7 care from medical personnel. They’ll work to ensure you avoid dangerous detox side effects like severe dehydration and elevated blood sodium levels that can trigger heart failure. These side effects generally occur due to the vomiting and diarrhea regularly present in opioid withdrawal. Administering fluids and ensuring proper nutrition go far to mitigate these symptoms. Moreover, supervision can prevent early relapse during the initial period, and medications can make withdrawal more manageable. 

Following detox, you’ll benefit from talk therapy, where you’ll work one-on-one with an addiction counselor to understand your personal history of drug use and make meaningful changes. You’ll examine factors like life stressors and triggers, learn coping mechanisms, and create a relapse prevention plan. Techniques such as cognitive reframing can help you modify self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. Mindfulness training, meanwhile, can build your tolerance to stress and make you more resilient. 

Group therapy also plays a crucial role in most opioid recovery programs. Groups of peers meet to offer judgment-free support, accountability, and mutual mentorship. The effects of cooperation and camaraderie are profound, whether through structured offerings like 12-step programs, shared cognitive-behavioral group therapy, or activities like exercise therapy or volunteering. 

Call Today to Put the Dangers of Fentanyl Abuse Behind You and Get Help at Northpoint Seattle

Get help for fentanyl abuse today by reaching out to Northpoint Seattle. Our team wants to help you take the reins of your life, so call 888.483.6031 or send us a message online to take the first step. Remember that no matter how severe the addiction, there is always hope for a journey of recovery. Begin yours today by enrolling in qualified treatment.