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A Complete Guide to Addiction Resources In Kirkland, Washington

Support Groups, Recovery Resources, & Overdose Help In Kirkland

There are many addiction resources in Kirkland, WA available. If you, or someone you love has an addiction it’s critical that you know where to find the resources you need to recover in a safe way. 

Addiction recovery may seem scary and perhaps even impossible. Maybe it’s because you’ve always tried to abstain from substance on your own. With so many rehab options in Tacoma, there is no reason to not get help. Regardless of what your finances look like or what kind of time you have to give to addiction recovery, there is a solution for you. 

Whether you’re looking for what to do in the case of an overdose, want to locate 12-step meetings like AA and NA near you, or just want to know where to go for support, education, and recovery, this comprehensive guide has all the information you’ll need. We have put together the most up to date rehab resource information for Kirkland. This will help you figure out what your next step is.

Do You Have Questions About Addiction? Call Our Recovery Experts Now.

Drug and Alcohol Detox

In the Kirkland area, there are 12 detox options available to you. Some are an outpatient detox program where you go for medical detox during the day. There are also inpatient detox programs that are a part of a full inpatient rehab program. Detox is essential and will be the first step towards sobriety.

You will abstain from taking the substance you’re addicted to. This can cause withdrawal symptoms that are uncomfortable. For some, withdrawing from alcohol can be dangerous. It is suggested that no matter what your addiction, or the nature of it, you get help throughout detox. To do it at home with very little help could cause you to relapse.

When you go through detox, you have 24/7 support. Your vitals are monitored, ensuring that the process goes smoothly. You may go through holistic detox or if necessary, you will go through medical detox. This is dependent on the nature of your addiction.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab

In Kirkland, there are 20 rehab programs. There are inpatient and outpatient addiction recovery programs available. There are also not for profit programs that are helpful for those who don’t have the means to otherwise get addiction help. Whatever your needs are, there is a program that will work for you here.

To break it down quickly, if you have a serious addiction with no time or money limitations, inpatient rehab is your best option. If you do have concerns about money or can’t take the time away from you life, an outpatient rehab program might suit you better. There are various outpatient programs available too and their costs range based on the quality of treatment. Insurance will play a key role in what rehab you choose as well. It may be that they are only willing to pay for an outpatient program. 

At Northpoint Seattle, we offer outpatient rehab in Bellevue and Seattle. They are Intensive Outpatient Programs where you will come to one of our facilities several times a week. We offer one-on-one therapy, group therapy sessions, and various other types of treatment that have been proven to work for addiction recovery. If you want to take part in an immersive inpatient program, we have a clinic based in Seattle. 

Our outpatient facilities Northpoint Seattle are conveniently located in Bellevue and Seattle. We offer Intensive Outpatient Programs so you can get the treatment you need while maintaining your lifestyle. If you feel like you want to get the full immersive experience, we also have an inpatient facility based right in Seattle.  

These are the common rehab programs in Kirkland:

Inpatient rehab really is one of the best options for many reasons. Firstly, you’re staying in a residential setting so even if you do have cravings, you can’t obtain your substance of addiction. Instead, you learn to fill the space that drugs or alcohol once filled. Inpatient usually starts with detox and then you move onto therapy. 

This therapy will depend on what your personal needs are. Each program is tailored to the person. They offer you a nutritious diet so your body can heal from substance abuse. You’ll see a counselor and attend group therapy sessions. Exercise and healthy activities will also be integrated into your life. 

You will learn about your addiction and why it happened in the first place. You’ll learn new behaviors and how to manage triggers and cravings once you’re out. This is a full spectrum program that provides all the necessary tools to help you succeed with long term sobriety.

This program deserves some mention because for some addicts, they aren’t ready to go back to their normal daily routine after rehab. It might be that you have a more complicated type of addiction. For someone with multiple addictions or with a disorder like dual diagnosis, you may need further support and more treatment. 

This is what PHP helps with. You can continue to get treatment while staying in a sober living setting. These programs can last anywhere from 90-120 days.

If you’ve decided on an outpatient program due to time restraints or simply because it’s what your insurance will cover, you have a lot of options. There are free outpatient rehab programs in Kirkland. They are run by your local church or government in most cases. If you qualify, you either don’t pay at all or you pay based on the amount of money you make. Often, these programs aren’t recommended if you haven’t gone through a recovery program in the past. You may not receive adequate support or motivation to maintain your sober journey. 

An Intensive Outpatient Program gives you more support and you get treatments that are similar to inpatient rehab treatments. You spend many hours at an addiction facility several times a week. You will see a counselor and attend group meetings. They will educate you on nutrition at home and give you specific regimes that promote a healthier, more positive lifestyle.

Kirkland Rehab Costs - What to Expect

Addiction rehab costs are varied. It depends on what kind of treatment you decide on and what your insurance company will cover. The standard cost for inpatient rehab is about $20,000, which includes detox. Intensive Outpatient Programs cost significantly less while outpatient programs cost the least amount. 

Kirkland Addiction Resources

We Northpoint Seattle are a part of a large network of insurance companies. They include:

  • Blue Cross of Idaho
  • Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare
  • United Healthcare
  • Humana
  • Aetna
  • Multiplan
  • Optum
  • AmeriHealth
  • Cigna
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Tufts Health Plan
  • Oxford Health Plans

Don’t worry if you don’t see your insurance provider on our list. Call us to see what they will cover when it comes to our high quality programs. You can also verify your insurance right now.

Kirkland Addiction Statistics

Kirkland is a city of more than 87,000 people according to census estimates from 2015. It’s located in King County, and statistically, this area of Washington State has a serious drug and alcohol use problem.

The University of Washington tells us that within King County:
  • As many as 17% of high school sophomores regularly use marijuana.
  • In 2016, there was an average of 4 phone calls per day into the Recovery Helpline for heroin assistance.
  • During that same year, there were 98 deaths due to methamphetamine.
  • 51% of meth-involved drug deaths also involved an opioid of some kind.
  • Prescription opioid overdose deaths continue to be elevated and are second only to heroin in the county.
  • While HIV exposure from needle sharing in the county remains low, the overwhelming majority of King County intravenous drug users are Hepatitis C positive.

If you live in this part of Washington State, you may be in need of addiction resources. You need to know that you aren’t alone in your battle against addiction. Recovery is possible as long as you have the right kind of help along the way.

Where Can You Find Addiction Recovery Help in Kirkland?

There are a lot of resources for addiction and alcoholism in Kirkland. Sometimes people just don’t know where to look, or how to begin searching. The good news is that many of these addiction resources are free. Others are available at a very low cost to you.

What Should You Do In Case Of An Overdose?

Drug overdoses are incredibly common today. In fact, the CDC reports that an astounding 63,632 Americans reportedly died from a drug overdose in 2016.

The epidemic has gotten so out of hand that statistically, drug overdoses have become the leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 50.

And worst of all, the rate of overdose deaths is rising year after year.

The large part of this trend is due to the upsurge in addiction caused by the opioid epidemic. But still, just because you aren’t abusing opioids doesn’t mean you’re safe. And that’s why it’s so vital to know just what to do in case of an overdose.

The very first steps towards preventing a fatal overdose are spotting the signs early on. The sooner you identify that someone's toxicity has gotten out of control, the quicker you can get them life-saving medical help.

Below are some of the overdose symptoms of a few of the most popular substances of abuse today. Remember, though, that not everyone will show each of these symptoms. Added to that, they may present other symptoms that aren’t listed here as well. The best way to tell if someone is overdosing is by asking emergency services or those at the national Poison Help hotline.

Heroin – Undoubtedly one of the most devastating substances of abuse on the market today, heroin kills thousands up thousands of people every single year.

Some signs of overdosing on this deadly drug according to MedlinePlus include:

  • No breathing
  • Shallow breathing
  • Slow and difficult breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Extremely small pupils, sometimes as small as the head of a pin (pinpoint pupils)
  • Discolored tongue
  • Low blood pressure
  • Weak pulse
  • Bluish-colored nails and lips
  • Constipation
  • Spasms of the stomach and intestines
  • Coma
  • Delirium
  • Disorientation
  • Drowsiness
  • Uncontrolled muscle movements

Alcohol – The most widely abused drug out of any other type, alcohol is legal, but that doesn't mean it is safe. About 6 people on average die every single day from alcohol poisoning.

Some signs of an overdose from MedlinePlus include:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Confusion, slurred speech.
  • Internal (stomach and intestinal) bleeding.
  • Slowed breathing.
  • Stupor (decreased level of alertness), even coma.
  • Unsteady walking.
  • Vomiting, sometimes bloody.
  • Chronic alcohol overuse can lead to additional symptoms and multiple organ failure.

Prescription Opioids – A type of addictive drug that is the main driving force behind the drug epidemic today, prescription opioids are highly addictive and exceptionally dangerous.

Some signs of overdose according to the CDC include:

  • Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils”
  • Falling asleep or loss of consciousness
  • Slow, shallow breathing
  • Choking or gurgling sounds
  • Limp body
  • Pale, blue, or cold skin

Methamphetamine – Also known as meth and crystal meth, this drug, in particular, can be incredibly dangerous taken at any amount. It can cause serious heart problems, difficulty breathing, and other life-threatening complications.

According to MedlinePlus, symptoms of a meth overdose include:

  • Agitation
  • Chest pain
  • Coma or unresponsiveness (in extreme cases)
  • Heart attack
  • Irregular or stopped heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Very high body temperature
  • Kidney damage and possibly kidney failure
  • Paranoia
  • Seizures
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Stroke

Cocaine – Popular in the party scene among young adults and easily one of the most well-known substances of abuse, cocaine is as deadly as it is popular. Health agencies point out that overdosing on this drug can be incredibly sudden and especially unpredictable.

According to MedlinePlus, some signs of cocaine toxicity may include:

  • Feeling high, excited, talking and rambling, sometimes about bad things happening
  • Anxiety, agitation, restlessness, confusion
  • Muscle tremors, such as in the face and fingers
  • Enlarged pupils that don't get smaller when a light shines into the eyes
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Paleness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever, sweating
  • Seizures
  • Loss of awareness of surroundings
  • Loss of urine control
  • High body temperature, severe sweating
  • High blood pressure, very fast heart rate or irregular heart rhythm
  • Bluish color of the skin
  • Fast or difficulty breathing
  • Death

Benzodiazepines – Largely prescribed for treating anxiety disorders, benzodiazepines are also used illicitly on their own and simultaneously with other substances of abuse. And while they may be legal in a sense, these drugs can be quite dangerous when used improperly. Not to mention, they have one of the worst withdrawal syndromes of any other drug – and that includes heroin!

Some signs of an overdose of benzos like Valium may include:

  • Bluish-colored lips and fingernails
  • Blurred vision, double vision
  • Breathing is slow, labored, or stopped
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness, lack of alertness
  • Excitability
  • Hiccups
  • Rapid side-to-side movement of the eyes
  • Rash
  • Stomach upset
  • Tiredness
  • Tremor
  • Weakness, uncoordinated movement

Once you’ve identified the signs that point to a potential overdose, it’s absolutely critical to get expert medical help immediately. Oftentimes drug users are hesitant to bring overdose victims to hospitals or call ambulances because they’re worried they might receive legal repercussions. This is usually not the case.

And even still, not doing so is putting the life of your friend or loved one in serious jeopardy. Every second you wait, every second you reconsider, and every second you hesitate is increasing the risk of permanent damage and possible death. So don’t wait; get help immediately.

You can do so by calling 9-1-1 or by contacting the national Poison Help hotline at 1-800-222-1222. You can call the Poison Help hotline even if it isn’t an emergency. In general though, if someone loses consciousness due to drug use and can’t be woken up, that often calls for serious medical help via 9-1-1.

Try to have critical information on hand during the call. Information like the person’s age, weight, and condition along with how much of the drug was taken and when it was last used can increase the odds of recovery.

Also, do not automatically induce vomiting. Many people are under the false assumption that emptying the stomach can improve the outcome. However, sometimes vomiting can actually make the situation much worse and may cause serious complications like choking, aspiration, and even pneumonia. As such, only induce vomiting when a medical professional tells you to.

If you are close enough to a medical provider, your best option when dealing with an overdose may be to drive the victim to the hospital or ER center on your own. When you contact emergency services, they’ll let you know if this option is appropriate or if an ambulance should be sent.

What Free or Low-Cost Resources are Available?

You might not be in a position where you can afford a high-end rehab facility. If that’s the case, you don’t need to worry. There are plenty of other options available to help you with addiction recovery.

Below, we’ve listed several different possibilities for free rehabilitation treatment that you may want to consider.

12 Step programs are wonderful community resources for addiction recovery. They offer a group therapy option for people struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism.

When you become a part of a 12 Step program, you learn that recovering isn’t a quick fix. It takes time and attention to every area of your life. You also get the benefit of gaining support from other addicts with the same recovery goals.

If you currently have a medical doctor, this could be a wonderful substance abuse resource. Your doctor knows your medical history, and he or she can advise you properly. Physicians can help with the detoxification process, and they can provide you with referrals to other agencies.

It’s natural to be nervous about talking with your doctor about your addiction. He or she might not have any idea that you are struggling with this issue. Don’t worry about that. They’re there to help you with any issue you’re facing, and your doctor won’t look down on you at all. Please, don’t overlook this option.

12-Step Meetings In Kirkland

One of the oldest and most widely-used types of recovery programs in the world, 12-step meetings have been helping people overcome their addiction problems for decades. They often use a group therapy approach to treating dependency disorders and can be found nearby almost any city in the country.

And in Kirkland, there are plenty of 12-step meeting options to choose from.

Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery to addicts around the world. We focus on the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug.  Our message is broad enough to attract addicts from any social class or nationality. When new members come to meetings, our sole interest is in their desire for freedom from active addiction and how we can be of help.

Narcotics Anonymous, also known as NA, is a free program that is available to any drug addicts looking to regain control over their lives. NA has been around since 1953 and today, this 12-step program holds almost 67,000 meetings in 139 different countries.

It’s important to recognize that Narcotics Anonymous isn’t meant for people suffering from a specific substance addiction. In fact, the organization is quick to point out that even despite the existence of Alcoholics Anonymous, NA makes no distinction between drugs and alcohol. Rather it aims to treat all forms of dependency.

One of the best things about Narcotics Anonymous is the fact that each group has its own personality. That’s because these groups are entirely run by its own members. Other than the overarching 12-steps that the program is based on, every group is free to conduct meetings how they see fit.

As a result, you may not enjoy your first meeting. Maybe you didn’t feel the connections you were expecting. Or perhaps you didn’t get the overwhelming sense of community that most people keep coming back for.

And if that’s the case, it’s okay! There are so many options in the Greater Seattle Area to choose from, and that includes within Kirkland. So don’t be afraid to try different ones out until you find a group that feels right to you.

You can find NA groups in Kirkland by using the Narcotics Anonymous meeting finder. But to make things a little easier, we’ve included below all the meetings within Kirkland.

However, don’t be afraid to check out nearby surrounding areas like Bellevue, Redmond, and Bothell.

S.O.S. (Speakers On Saturday)
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Saturdays at 7:30pm
Kirkland Congregational Church (Room 23)
This meeting follows both a general and candlelight format.
106 5th Ave, Kirkland, 98033

This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Mondays at 7:30pm
Kirkland Congregational Church (Room 23)
This meeting follows a literature study format
106 5th Ave, Kirkland, 98033

Recipe for Recovery
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Tuesdays at 7:30pm
Kirkland Congregational Church (Room 23)
This meeting follows a literature study format.
106 5th Ave, Kirkland, 98033

This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Kirkland Congregational Church (Room 23)
This meeting follows both a general and candlelight format.
106 5th Ave, Kirkland, 98033

On Fiyah IV Recovery
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Thursdays at 7:30pm
Life Community Church
This meeting follows a general format; This meeting is wheelchair accessible.
232 5th Ave. S, Kirkland, 98033

Take It or Leave It
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Fridays from 8:00pm to 9:15pm
Lake Washington United Methodist Church
This meeting follows a general format.
7525 132nd Ave NE, Annex, Kirkland 98033

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.Anonymous

One of the best alcoholism resources you can find in your local area is Alcoholics Anonymous. This organization was started in 1935 in Akron, Ohio. Since then, it’s grown to become one of the largest addiction support groups in the world. It had over 118 thousand groups with more than 2.1 million active members across the world.

Since it began, AA has helped to change the lives millions. It’s set up in a group therapy format, but they also have special speakers and book studies depending on the group. There are no fees to attend the meetings, and the only requirement is that you have a desire to quit drinking.

Alcoholics Anonymous will offer you new friends, support, and encouragement. Stopping the use of alcohol is very difficult. Get the help you need through this great community resource.

You can easily find Kirkland AA meetings on the following dates and times:


Better Odds Sober 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Sundays from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
90-minute meeting; This meeting is specifically for younger alcoholics;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Maximum Service 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Sundays from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
60-minute meeting;
106 5th Ave, Kirkland 98033

Totem Lake 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Sundays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM 
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
90-minute meeting;
11611 NE 140th St, Kirkland 98034

Sanity In Sobriety 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Sundays from 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM 
Fairfax Hospital
90-minute meeting;
10200 NE 132nd St, Kirkland 98034

Creekside Study 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Sundays from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM 
Lakeside-Milam (Meets 1st Sun ONLY)
60-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
10322 NE 132nd St, Kirkland 98034


Kindred Spirits 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Mondays from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM 
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
60-minute meeting; This meeting is specifically for alcoholics that are women;
12202 NE 90th St, Kirkland 98033

Regla 62 (Rule 62) 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Mondays from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
60-minute meeting; This meeting takes place in Spanish (Junta en Español); Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Bill's Story 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Mondays from 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
75-minute meeting;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Gay Men In Recovery 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Mondays from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
90-minute meeting; This meeting is gay and lesbian supported;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033


A Woman's Way 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Tuesdays from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
90-minute meeting; This meeting has childcare services; This meeting is specifically for alcoholics that are women;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Sober Gals 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Tuesdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM 
Residence XII
90-minute meeting; This meeting is specifically for alcoholics that are women; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms
12029 113th Ave NE, Kirkland 98034

Sanity In Sobriety 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Tuesdays from 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM 
Fairfax Hospital
90-minute meeting;
10200 NE 132nd St, Kirkland 98034

Tuesday Night Big Book 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Tuesdays from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM 
Life Community Church
60-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
232 5th Ave S, Downstairs, Kirkland 98033

Tuesday Nite Starters 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Tuesdays from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
90-minute meeting;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

The Juanita Triangle 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Tuesdays from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
60-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
10021 NE 124th St, Kirkland 98034

Last Call 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Tuesdays from 12:00 AM to 1:30 AM 
Shari's Restaurant (Shari's in winter, Marina Park in Summer)
90-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
12207 NE 116th St, Kirkland 98034


Wednesday Willingness 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Wednesdays from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 
Lake Washington Christian Church
60-minute meeting;
343 15th Ave, Kirkland 98033

Anchor Group 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM 
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
60-minute meeting;
12202 NE 90th St, Kirkland 98033

This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
60-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking and entrance;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Kirkland Men's 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Wednesdays from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM 
Lake Washington Methodist Church
90-minute meeting; This meeting is specifically for alcoholics that are men;
7525 132nd Ave NE, Annex, Kirkland 98033


A Better Way 
This meeting is closed; only those who wish to control their drinking should attend. 
Thursdays from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM 
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
60-minute meeting; This meeting is specifically for alcoholics that are women;
10021 NE 124th St, Rm 2A, Kirkland 98034

Sober Camels 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 
Kirkland Women's Club
60-minute meeting; This meeting is specifically for alcoholics that are men;
407 1st St, Kirkland 98033

Path To Serenity 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM 
Inglewood Presbyterian Church
90-minute meeting;
7718 NE 141st St, Kirkland 98034

Sanity In Sobriety 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Thursdays from 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM 
Fairfax Hospital
90-minute meeting;
10200 NE 132nd St, Kirkland 98034


Kirkland Sobriety Headquarters 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Fridays from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
60-minute meeting;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033


Bel-Kirk Breakfast 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Saturdays from 8:15 AM to 9:45 AM 
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
90-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
12202 NE 90th St, Kirkland 98033

Moss Bay Group 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Saturdays from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
90-minute meeting;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Kirkland Attitude Modification 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM 
Kirkland Congregational Church
60-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking, entrance, and bathrooms;
106 5th Ave, Rm 21, Kirkland 98033

Sober Cartooners 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Saturdays from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM 
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
90-minute meeting; Wheelchair accessible parking and entrance;
12202 NE 90th St, Kirkland 98033

Kirkland Study Group 
This meeting is open, and anyone can attend
Saturdays from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM 
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
60-minute meeting; This meeting follows a literature study format; Wheelchair accessible entrance;
12202 NE 90th St, Kirkland 98033

Addiction Help for Concerned Families

Families are often devastated to learn of a loved one's addiction or alcoholism. A substance abuse problem has the power to tear families apart. So many with addictions don’t realize how true this is.

If your family is having a difficult time because of a loved one with an addiction, you need help. And luckily, there are plenty of resources available for you as well. This doesn’t have to be something that you need to deal with all on your own. Here are some programs that can help.

Al ‑ Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. By sharing common experiences and applying the Al-Anon principles, families and friends of alcoholics can bring positive changes to their individual situations, whether or not the alcoholic admits the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.

First of all, it’s very important for you to take care of yourself. Al-Anon can help you to do that. They are an organization that offers support for the families of addicts. You would attend meetings; most likely on a weekly basis.

During these meetings, you'll be able to talk about your struggles caused by your alcoholic family member. You'll also get the support and advice you need to stop enabling the addict in your life and get them the help.

Any affected family members can come to an Al-Anon meeting, and this includes children. The following is a list of Al-Anon meetings in Kirkland:

Living in the Solution Monday Night AFG
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Mondays at 7:00pm
Holy Spirit Lutheran
90-minute meeting; This meeting is handicap accessible.
10021 NE 124th St., Kirkland 98034

Kirkland Tuesday Afternoon AFG
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Tuesdays at 12:30pm
Kirkland Congregational Church (Room 21)
90-minute meeting.
106 5th Ave., Kirkland 98033

Wednesday’s Women AFG
This meeting is closed; only those with an alcoholic family member should attend.
Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Kirkland Congregational Church (Room 21)
90-minute meeting; This meeting is for women only.
106 5th Ave., Kirkland 98033

Midweek Men’s AFG
This meeting is open, and anyone may attend.
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Salt House Church
90-minute meeting; This meeting is for men only.
11920 NE 8th St., Kirkland 98005

Kirkland Thursday Morning AFG
This meeting is closed; only those with an alcoholic family member should attend.
Fridays 6:30pm
Seventh Day Adventist
90-minute meeting; This meeting offers childcare services; This meeting is handicap accessible.
6400 108th Ave. NE, Kirkland 98033

Alateen, a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a fellowship of young people (mostly teenagers) whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking whether they are in your life drinking or not. By attending Alateen, teenagers meet other teenagers in similar situations. Alateen is not a religious program, and there are no fees or dues to belong to it.

Family members of alcoholics may also benefit from attending meetings specifically for teenagers called Alateen groups. This age can be hard enough on its own. And when you’re struggling with a substance abuser in the family, getting through these formative years in one piece can be even harder.

These gatherings address the specific difficulties and needs of teenagers who are living with an addicted family member.

While there aren’t any Alateen meetings that take place specifically within Kirkland, there are a couple different groups that meet in the Seattle area. These include:


Lake City Monday Night Alateen
This meeting is specifically for 12 to 19-year-olds.
Mondays from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
Lake City Presbyterian Church
60-minute meeting. An Al-Anon meeting takes place at the same time & the same place.
3841 NE 123rd
Seattle, Washington


Edmonds Alateen – Serenity for Youth
This meeting is specifically for 12 to 21-year-olds.
Tuesdays from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
Edmonds Senior Center (meets upstairs)
60-minute meeting. An Al-Anon and an AA meeting take place at the same time & the same place. This location is Handicap accessible.
220 Railroad Avenue; Box 717
Edmonds, Washington


Auburn Wednesday Night Alateen
This meeting is specifically for 11 to 19-year-olds.
Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
Zion Lutheran Church (Auburn Way S at M St)
90-minute meeting. An Al-Anon and an AA meeting take place at the same time & the same place.
1305 17th St SE
Auburn, Washington

Courage To Be Me Alateen
This meeting is specifically for 12 to 20-year-olds.
Wednesdays from 8:00pm to 9:30pm.
Queen Anne Lutheran
75-minute meeting. An Al-Anon meeting takes place at the same time & the same place.
2400 8th Ave W
Seattle, Washington


Lake Hills Alateen
This meeting is specifically for 9 to 20-year-olds.
Thursdays 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
St. Andrews Lutheran Church (Meets downstairs)
60-minute meeting. An Al-Anon meeting takes place at the same time & the same place.
2650 148th Ave SE
Seattle, Washington

The Nar-Anon Family Groups is primarily for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you. We have traveled that unhappy road too and found the answer with serenity and peace of mind.

It isn’t just the family member of alcoholics that suffer because of addiction. Drug users of any type can make family life incredibly difficult. And that’s why Nar-Anon is another fantastic support group that you may want to consider joining.

Like Al-Anon groups, Nar-Anon is an anonymous and free support group that can help you come to terms with your family member’s addiction, offer advice on how to effectively deal with it, and provide community support.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many meetings happening in the Kirkland area. However, the list of groups below all occur within a 20-mile radius of Kirkland.

Seeds of Hope
Mondays at 7:00pm
Bothell United Methodist Church
This group does not meet on holidays.
18515 92nd Avenue NE, Bothell, 98012

Serenity Trail
Thursdays at 7:00pm
St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church
First Thursday of the month will have a step study meeting before the regular meeting, starts at 6:20--7:00. (Regular meeting starts at 7:00.)
4228 Factoria Blvd., Bellevue, 98006

Ballard Nar-Anon
Thursdays at 7:00pm
St. Paul’s Church
Entrance on Greenwood Avenue. Meeting is upstairs in Room 2.
6512 12th Ave. NW, Seattle, 98117

Hope Lives Here
Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church
Entrance on Greenwood Ave.
13047 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle, 98133

Seven Generations
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Suquamish Elders Lounge
Please use Division Street entrance.
18490 Suquamish Way, Suquamish, 98392

Helping Hands
Tuesdays at 7:00pm
First Presbyterian Church
1306 Lakeview Ave., Snohomish, 98290

The Next Step
Mondays at 7:00pm
Grace Lutheran Church
Enter the church through the lower parking lot.
22975 24th Ave. S, Des Moines, 98198

If you've talked with your loved one, but they refuse to stop using, you may feel hopeless – like you’ve come to a complete dead end. After all, how are you supposed to set someone on the right path when they completely refuse your help anyway?

There is another option available though. You may want to consider having an intervention.

An addiction intervention can be quite an effective tool when it’s done the right way. You’d need professional support to be sure everything goes as planned. The interventionist will work with you and prepare you for what you can expect.

The intervention itself will be a meeting that involves you, other friends and family, and your loved one. The interventionist will be there to oversee everything. After it’s over, your family member will be given a chance to get help. More often than not, the meeting is enough to persuade them that it’s necessary.

What if You’re Not Addicted? Substance Abuse Help in Kirkland in WA State

Perhaps you don’t have an addiction or alcoholism, but you are abusing substances. You may be wondering what you should do to stop. Even though you aren’t addicted, that doesn’t mean your substance abuse isn’t a problem. You should consider getting help to prevent it from progressing any further.

It’s a good idea for you to contact a therapist who can help you. Any of those on the above list would be great options. Your therapist will help you to understand the behind your drug and alcohol abuse. They can also help you take the right steps to keep yourself from becoming an addict.

If you’re a substance abuser, please don’t think that you don’t have a problem. You might not be someone who needs to go to addiction treatment. However, if you do nothing at all, you will most likely end up becoming an addict.

Free Treatment Options

When people usually think of drug and alcohol rehab, they think of paying out a lot of money. Maybe this has been your assumption as well. You can actually find addiction rehab resources in Kirkland that are free.

First off, now that the Affordable Care Act has made all insurance providers to offer coverage for substance abuse treatment, some recovering addicts won’t end up paying anything at all for their treatment. The more common outcome is paying at least a copay but depending on your insurance (which you can quickly verify using this online insurance verification form), you may not owe anything at all!

There are also free treatment centers funded entirely by tax dollars and the state of Washington. While these rehab facilities may be beneficial for some people, the level of care is often quite a bit lower than with private facilities. Added to that, the wait list to get into such programs are often quite long. And that can be especially hard for an addict that needs help immediately.

And finally, treatment centers may cover the costs of your treatment entirely. While it’s rare, some rehabs may offer free treatment as part of a grant or scholarship program. Qualifications for these programs are often demanding though so be sure you meet them before getting your hopes up.

Kirkland Addiction Treatment Resources for Addicts

Community resources and group therapy is good, but it’s not enough for everyone. You do have other options. It’s possible that professional treatment is closer to what you’re looking for. If so, there are different ways you can go about getting it.

If you're interested in support groups that can help you throughout the process of recovery, here are a few things to look into.

You may want to consider going to an inpatient alcohol or drug rehab program. An inpatient program would typically require you to stay in a facility for treatment for 30 days. During that time, you’d be receiving several different types of therapy. You’d be working with a counselor regularly, you would also have group therapy, and you’ll likely undergo several different kinds of behavioral therapies as well.

Inpatient addiction treatment offers you an excellent level of support. This is what many people need in order to stop using successfully. It’s definitely worth considering.

While inpatient treatment is highly effective, it’s not for everyone. Maybe you don’t have the time to take off work for 30 days. Or maybe your addiction is mild enough that you need something lighter than the intensive treatment that comes with inpatient care.

Outpatient drug and alcohol rehab gives you another option. These types of programs only require patients to get treatment several times a week rather than around the clock for a month. There are different types of outpatient care too – traditional and intensive outpatient treatment.

If you opt for traditional outpatient treatment, you’ll be meeting with a therapist regularly around two to three times a week for several hours at a time. An intensive outpatient treatment program is much more involved. Sessions typically last for longer than during a traditional outpatient program, and they'll usually take place more frequently. It's a higher level of care that doesn't require addicts to take time away from work or other obligations.

The best way to find out which type of recovery option will work best for you is by scheduling a free addiction assessment. These assessments typically don’t take longer than 20 to 30 minutes and can give you a much better idea of what level of care you really need.

Northpoint Seattle

Choosing Drug and Alcohol Detox at Northpoint Washington

Whether you’re looking for alcohol abuse resources or drug addiction help, you can find it. This might be a comforting thought to you if you always assumed you’d be using forever. Your Kirkland community has some wonderful addiction resources available to help with your recovery. 

Here at Northpoint Seattle, we understand the situation you’re in. You might be having financial difficulties that make rehab seem out of reach. Or, it’s possible that you have health insurance that will cover treatment, but you just didn’t know it. Regardless of what your situation is, we’re here to assist you.

Our Closest Outpatient Location:

Our Closest Inpatient Location:

Our Bellevue treatment facility offers the absolute best in intensive outpatient treatment services and is nationally accredited for excellence in the field. Even if you aren’t located in the area, sometimes travelling to another city for treatment is the best way to ensure recovery.

And if you’re looking for inpatient services, we can refer you to one of our affiliate sites that has the treatments to meet your particular needs.

Ultimately, it’s crucial for you to realize that no matter how bad your addiction has gotten, there are plenty of resources you can take advantage of. Recovery is possible. And we can help.

Please, contact us today to start your journey to sobriety.

Talk to a Rehab Specialist

Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.

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